Tears for Terri Schiavo and Jessica Lunsford

My own love of life makes me seek to protect those innocents who were denied protection,

Monday, March 21, 2005

Sitting here wondering

Here I sit wondering how your doing terri, whose with you today as you suffer, Are you hurting ? who will protect you.

I sit here and ponder quality of life issues, my sons life is so presious i would not even flinch at the taking care of him no matter what his age, over the weekend i asked my girls what would you want done. HOw cruel of us not to see terri's value maybe hitler had it right maybe we should starve all the children and adults that are like terri think of the money we would save I mean what can they contribute to socitey lets base our socitey on those that can do something.

Thats why jesus is crying he looks down on our world and see's the cruelty of what we have become we mame and kill we starve helpless persons just because they in our eyes have no worth what have we become we are warped in our minds when we say would you want to live like terri how stupid is that question no one would want to be like her but then does that mean we kill all those who are like her i can see helping a person who is dying of cancer have an easy death but we dont starve those people to death We jail parents and persons who fail to take care of children but if that child is disabled then its ok what is that its ok to kill those who we feel are not worthy of our time and effort and we comfort our selfs by sayign Its ok she would not want to live like that well who would look at terri's world a dark room and a lonely hosptial void of contact with the world safe in their eyes safe from our eyes we can no see her suffering we can not see her tears.

But what a world she could have safe at home with loving arms to take care of her but no one not her parents or her so called husband want to take terri home to live to take terri to the beach or to the store or bush gardens or what ever no thats too much trouble after all in their eyes shes a vegtable unble to contribute to society unble to fit in unable to be a part of us.

what a world what a world we have become lets kill all the children adults that dont fit our perception of what a persons worth is ok then when those are out of our way we start with killing the ugly people oh then if we rid the world of ugly then we go after poor people hell lets just kill all the people who offend our senses.

dont get me wrong i fully belive in death with dignty a person should be made comfortable when natural death has come knocking what i am offended by is death by convience. terri's life just is an inconvience to those who 1 want her money 2 want to be free of her 3 are offended by her for just being her 4 dont want to be like her after all who would want to walk in Terri's shoes?


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