Tears for Terri Schiavo and Jessica Lunsford

My own love of life makes me seek to protect those innocents who were denied protection,

Saturday, March 19, 2005

My heart breaks tonight

My heart breaks tonight for the familys of Terri Schiavo and Jessica Lunsford. The most defensless are under attack while some see the drama of terri as a fight for her right to die one questions the motives behind the main charcter yes i have read of her plight and know of her stuggles and how she suffers but my heart griefs for those affected by her and her plight. Tonight she lies alone while while she is surrounded she is alone in her pain and suffering her lips crack alone her fingers and toes cramp from want of fluids her stomach groans for food. NO one can feel her pain but her she is alone. Dear Sweet Jessica she was alone too what monster could do to an innocent defenseless child what was done to this sweet child. I pray her soul is at peace safe in the arms of jesus her savior when no savior could be found while saviors surrounded her home looking for her to save her she died alone and in pain only jesus at her side.

These tears jesus sheds tonight are for the plight of the innocent the defenseless and weak and small those who need our protection and those who are denied it by the hands of the wicked.


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